While many of us hate to admit it, we’ve all said we would make a weight loss plan and eat nutritional foods. But, within hours or even days, we find ourselves doing unnecessary snacking on ultra-processed, high-sodium foods. These foods can sabotage our weight loss efforts and are high in calories.
Instead of grabbing an unhealthy snack, why not look for a better, healthier option? Below, we’ve compiled a list of 13 high-protein, low-carb snacks that will help keep you satisfied for hours.
13 High Protein, Low Carb Snacks
1. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Protein: 6g
Carbs: 0.5g
One of the top high-protein, low-carb snacks you can have is hard-boiled eggs. According to Ashley Harpst, a registered dietitian, eggs have high levels of choline, which helps boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.
According to U.S. guidelines, eggs are one of the most beneficial and healthy foods you can add to your diet, including eating the yolk! Want to spruce up this snack? Hard-boiled eggs pair perfectly with an everything bagel seasoned with salt and pepper.
2. Pistachios

Protein: 6g
Carbs: 8g
According to registered dietitian Caroline Thomason, Pistachios are one of the top nut options that are low in calories. By eating only one ounce of pistachios, you’re consuming 3g of protein, 3g of fiber, and 160 calories. This delicious, nutty snack is also low in carbohydrates and provides a great energy source for people who need to monitor their blood sugar levels.
3. Edamame

Protein: 9g
Carbs: 7g
As a young soybean, edamame is an excellent, satisfying snack option that you can enjoy, either cold or hot. While found in different versions, head to the freezer aisle to find the shelled version. Edamame snacks can be quickly thawed and consumed as a high-protein, low-carb snack.
4. Beef Jerky
Protein: 9g
Carbs: 3g
Did you know that beef can give you ten essential nutrients that your body needs to thrive? Eating only one ounce of beef will provide the body with vitamin B-12, zinc, ten grams of protein, and other vital nutrients. Beef jerky is an excellent on-the-go snack option that can help satisfy your cravings and keep you full longer.
What’s the best part about this delicious snack? Beef jerky can be kept at room temperature, making it one of the best snack options you can store on your desk gym bag or take along on a road trip.
5. Pumpkin Seeds

Protein: 5g
Carbs: 15g
Many are unaware of the weight-loss-supporting benefits and how powerful pumpkin seeds can be with only two spoons full. In addition to serving as one of the best high-protein, low-carb snacks, it’s better than a potato chip and can satisfy your hunger cravings with only 2g of fiber per ounce. This alone will allow you to feel fuller longer and reduce the chances of overeating.
6. Protein Shake

Protein: 28g
Carbs: 6g
When searching for a high-protein, low-carb snack, protein shakes are almost a given, especially for those who work. Consuming a protein shake with soy milk (unsweetened) is an excellent high-protein option to add to your daily diet. Try your favorite protein powder flavor with soy milk, allowing you to have that instant protein boost without adding the extra carbohydrates.
7. Cottage Cheese

Protein: 24g
Carbs: 11g
You may be surprised to find out that cottage cheese is high in protein, with a whopping 24 grams, in addition to large amounts of calcium. Many snack lovers enjoy adding cottage cheese to fresh salsa, a “don’t knock it before you try it” type of snack. If you’re searching for a much sweeter option, pair fresh fruit with cottage cheese, such as mango, pineapple, or berries.
8. Plain Greek Yogurt
Protein: 20g
Carbs: 8g
Did you know that plain Greek yogurt can give you between 15 and 17 grams of protein every 6-ounce serving? While high-protein foods help you feel full longer, the good bacteria in yogurt will also improve your gut health, in addition to calcium. If your main goal is to lose weight, try using Greek yogurt as your base for baked goods, smoothies, and dips.
9. Turkey and Cheese Roll-Ups
Protein: 13g
Carbs: 2g
One of the most satisfying and delicious high protein, low carb snacks are turkey and cheese roll-ups. By combining cheese and lean turkey, you’ll get essential calcium and amino acids. This quick snack is an excellent option for maintaining your daily energy levels and is easy to make.
10. String Cheese
Protein: 8g
Carbs: 1g
If you didn’t know you could lose weight and still be a cheesehead, boy, you’re in for a treat! While many harder cheeses are low in carbs, the best way to find cheese that has high protein is to look for those that have low amounts of moisture. If you’re a huge mozzarella fan, the best way to get high protein and low carbs is to look for string cheese, pairing it with your favorite fruit to fill you up.
11. Poached Eggs
Protein: 6g
Carbs: 0g
As mentioned earlier, eggs add great nutritional value to your diet. Consuming one large egg will give you 6 grams of protein, along with other additional nutrients like iodine and vitamin D3. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids.
Having this combination of high protein and fat will allow you to stay full for longer and faster, which will prevent overheating. You can eat eggs with any meal or as a snack and prepare them in various ways.
However, by simply poaching an egg, you don’t need to add additional ingredients such as oil or butter, which will increase the calories and fat content of your snack.
12. Slices of Chicken Breast

Protein: 7g
Carbs: 0g
With only two slices, eating chicken is considered a lean protein and will allow you to maintain and build muscle while satisfying your hunger cravings. Chicken breast slicers are an excellent post-workout option, with cheese slices or a low-calorie sauce.
13. Buffalo Chicken Wings (Baked)
Protein: 36g
Carbs: 0g
Rounding off our list of high-protein, low-carb snacks are baked buffalo chicken wings. Instead of frying chicken wings, baking them will reduce the amount of fat, making them a healthier option. The best way to eat baked buffalo chicken wings is to season them with your preferred spices and eat them as a snack anytime.
High Protein Low Carb Snacks: FAQ
1. What snacks are high in protein and low in carbs?
Some of the best high-protein, low-carb snacks are canned tuna, cheese, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, and shrimp.
2. How can I get 20g of protein in a snack?
If you want 20g of protein in a snack, you can eat trail mix, turkey roll-ups, tuna, peanut butter, celery sticks, and jerky.
3. What is the most filling low-carb snack?
Some of the most filling low-carb snacks are eggplant, green beans, Greek yogurt, avocado, and broccoli.
4. How can I hit 100g of protein easily?
You can eat 100g of protein quickly, mainly with protein bars or putting peanut butter on your fruits and veggies.
5. Does oatmeal have high protein?
Oatmeal is considered high in protein, at around 11 to 15%.